Aprons connect with the past with the present. From keeping your clothes clean to listening to a podcast, every woman should own an apron, or two.
Aprons are a symbol of home and love. Their strings wrap you in a hug from your grandma and great-grandma.
Every woman should an apron or two (or ten…). Aprons represent a connection to days long gone by. They connect past generations to the present generations.
As a teen, my Grandma Stanley opened up her cedar chest and gave me an apron that her mother had made, and that she had embroidered. That may be one of the most precious gift she gave me. I come from a large extended family, of humble means, so most gifts were a handkerchief and candy cane at Christmas, or $5 bill for my birthdays.
Aprons, like cloth napkins, can have love in them.
Beyond sentimentality and history aprons are simply practical. I’ve saved many an outfit because I had an apron on.
Have you ever read the Grandma’s Attic collection? There is a hilarious story about the main character’s mother ending the day wearing several aprons leaving people to think that she was pregnant or putting on weight!
An apron doesn’t define you; an apron celebrates what you do for the people you love.
~Cynthia Wadell
Aprons are a should be a part of every modern homemaker’s uniform. Even if we aren’t June Cleaver, we can proudly wear aprons as we go about carrying for our homes.
8 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Own an Apron
1. Aprons are Pretty
At least all of my aprons are pretty. That’s kind of an unofficial policy of mine. I like aprons to functional but cute.
2. Aprons Keep You Clean
With an apron covering your front, you keep your clothes clean. No silly little half aprons for me. Despite my fondness for the apron made by Grandma Stanely and Great-Grandma Buzzard (yes, Buzzard) half aprons do not cut it. I might be able to keep my pants or skirt clean but there is no way I can keep my shirt clean.
It’s like wearing a white shirt while eating spaghetti and meatballs, whatever is being prepared in the kitchen will end up on me.
3. Aprons Double as a Towel and Hot Pad
If the towel is across the kitchen, and apron comes to the rescue. Try to only wipe clean hands on your apron.
All your hot pads are in the laundry, no worries, you have your apron. Unless it’s really thick, then please don’t grab that cast iron skillet with your apron, no one wants to end up with a signed hand, believe me, it hurts…
4. Aprons are Like a Basket
Did you pick fresh tomatoes from the garden? Add them to your apron. Are you collecting eggs from your backyard chickens? An apron works well for that too.
5. Aprons Tell a Story
Think that aprons are only for the kitchen? Think again.
Almost 15 years ago, I spent a year washing laundry for 35 kids in Mexico. A dear friend’s mom gave me a beautiful cloth’s pin apron made and used by her mother. I used it for a time and gave it to my friend who has an apron of her own to cherish now.
That apron was made by a British Candian, traveled to California, then to Mexico, before settling back in California again. Oh, the stories that it could tell!
6. Aprons Bolster Your Confidence
Wrap an apron around your waist and suddenly you can take on the world! Or at least the world of your home. They remind you of your mission and keep you focused.
7. Aprons Allow You to Listen to Podcasts
Yes, aprons allow you to listen to podcasts. Those aprons with pockets were made to hold fresh eggs, clothespins, and iPhones. Or at least mine was…
If you are going about your work it’s nice to listen to your favourite podcast to keep you motivated. Stick your phone in the pocket of your apron, plug in your earbuds, and you are ready to take on your task while catching up on whatever you were listening to.
8. Aprons let you make phone calls
Remember those days of trying to stretch the phone cord all the way to the stove or sink?
One day while trying to stretch the phone cord to allow me to cook and chat with a cousin, I knocked my mom’s favourite mug off the counter that my dad had made for her.
Thanks to earbuds, you can pop your phone in your apron’s pocket and chat while getting things done around the house.
I always wear an apron while cooking and washing dishes and most of the time I keep it for eating, it avoids food stains and unnecessary laundry.
I have four daughters aged 8, 11, 13 and 16 yr old. All four wear an apron at every meal. The apron make sure their clothes remain clean and it also keep them focussed on the meal.
Katie Mae Stanley
I leave my apron on sometimes to eat as well. 🙂
Kelly Stone
As a apron collector I must say that you have great suggestions for wearing them. The blog phone cord made me smile.
HI, Katie Mae. This is a very cute post. Yes, I DO wear and apron. I like to be well-suited for the task at hand, whatever it may be. With an apron on, I can, as you say in Number 6 above, take on the world.
I like full aprons, make most of my own, and have a number of them, for each season of the year. I have a clothespin apron, too, to help me with the laundry. And like you, I much prefer cloth napkins to paper.
Thank you for this post. Have a lovely evening and God bless.
Katie Mae Stanley
<3 Awe, thank you!