Contact me if you:
- Have any questions.
- Would like me to review any product or book (I have a USA address).
- Would like me to use your products in my recipes and promote them.
- Want to say “Hi” (I love mail)
Carol Rommevaux
Hello Katie Mae!
I made my first batch of lip balm but they melt so easily. Do you have any suggestions for me? Also, we are in Central NY in the middle of a blizzard and my daughter showed me how much hers has already melted. Any recipes or suggestions would be great! Thank you so much;-)
Katie Mae Stanley
I am so sorry Carol! That would be frustrating. You can remelt it and add more bees wax, up to two additional tablespoons. The weather outside doesn’t matter as much as the temperature inside the house. When I originally created the recipe I lived in a house with no heating, so it was about 50-60 F inside. I hope that that helps!
Ever try feeding your leftover coconut and almond pulp to your chickens?
Katie Mae Stanley
When I had them, I did.
Hi Kate, I have a question about your almond milk recipe. Do you have to strain it? I don’t strain mine. I just put the soaked almonds in the blender with the water and blend for 2 mins and drink! I get all the fiber, and good fats too!! Its really much more creamy too. Thanks Lori
Katie Mae Stanley
No you don’t have to, I just prefer it that way.
Hi Kate,
Thank you for the recipe for DIY almond milk with no additives.
One question I have is; do you use raw almond or roasted almonds?
Thanks again
Katie Mae Stanley
You’re welcome! I used raw almonds.
Michelle Bonsell
I ordered the books I would like to try the 1 oz. healing salve.
Michelle Bonsell
Katie Mae
Michelle, can you please email at with the address you want me to use? Thanks!
Hello. I found your blog from The WonderMill website, where I buy grain mills for my business, Grain Mills Plus. Unfortunately, when I clicked the “Nourishing Recipes” tab on your blog, I received an error message that the page didn’t exist. Disappointing.
Katie Mae
I’m sorry Barbara. I’m nor sure why it’s not showing up, I rechecked the link just now and it was working. I’ll see what I can figure out what went wrong.
Hi Katie,
Found you just looking around for healthier options. Very interested in what you are doing in Mexico. (I am a pediatrician). Would love to hear more. Thank you!
Hi Katie,
Thank you for letting us know about this blog hop. We posted 3 recipes yesterday (17, 21 ans 25) in the midst of a major blog overhaul… not out best idea. All the 3 links that we posted are invalid. I didn’t see a way to delete them. If they get deleted I can repost with the correct links.