Just say no to grains! Wheat is bad for you! I only eat gluten-free. Wheat is going to kill you!
It’s hard not to hear phrases like that almost every.single.day. If you tell someone you eat healthy they seem to either be in the whole grain everything camp or no grains at all camp and then berate you for not being like them.
Do you want to know a secret? There is no “One” right diet for everyone. What works for one person might not work for another person. All of our bodies respond differently to foods.
Soaked, sprouted, sourdough, gluten-free, grain free, grinding your own wheat… if you are new to real foods you your brain may be swimming, even if you aren’t you might feel a bit lost.
Want to known the “scoop” on healthy grains? Join me at Bulk Herb Store to learn more!
Shu Arvilla
Thanks you for saying there is no “one” diet for everyone. We all need to pay attention to how we feel. The closest I have found to good diet advice is eat right for your blood type.