Hello friends! What a journey I have been on the past month. It’s been month of non-stop busyness. I can’t remember when I have had so much fun or been so drained at the same time. It’s been an emotional roller coaster that is starting to ease up a bit.
I have gone from sunny Baja to the almost tropical southern Mexico back to Baja, to San Diego, back to Baja and up to Northern California where I now sit.
This past month has involved a trip to the beach with 9 girls, packing up said 9 girls to go visit their family’s, many tearful goodbyes, a graduation, a Quinceanera, a visit to the Otomi people, two weddings, a trip south to visit my girls and “grand-babies”, many lasts, more packing, more tearful goodbyes, a move over 500 miles north to another country, unpacking and an emotional break down. Exhausted? Me too….
Honestly I am still sorting through emotions as well as things. After living as a dorm mama for almost ten years in Mexico, the US seems empty. Over time this will seem like home again. I can’t help but to miss my girls and my little house even if my kitchen, bedroom and living room were altogether. I have had to remind myself to give myself (and others) a little lot of grace. Such as skipping church yesterday to have coffee with a friend. Honestly after just getting back around midnight Thursday morning I just couldn’t handle seeing that many people and re-explaining why I came back to the US.
Starting tomorrow I will start updating the site with new recipes, herbal remedies, guest posts, Simple Meals Friday and Weekend Links. Thank you for letting me rest. Thank you even more to those who have waited for me to come back and left sweet comments and prayers.
In honor of my return State Side I thought you might appreciate somethings that I have to remind myself of while I experience new beginnings.
Notes to Self When Reentering the US
- Do not walk away from a toilet that you just peed in! Most people, don’t let their pee mellow in the States. 😉
- If you aren’t using Family Cloth, don’t throw your toilet paper away, these are surprises that some people don’t like to find.
- Do not talk in Spanish to random people in the store, they will look at you odd. You might be able to get away with this at Mexican grocery store but then again most people there know English MUCH better than you know Spanish.
- Do not greet people with a kiss on the check especially men, they won’t get it.
- It’s not normal to burn garbage, YIPEEE!!!
- It’s pretty amazing to wash your cloths in hot water.
- It’s not so cool to walk around with greasy hair.
- Same goes for cloths, this one is a tough one for me I feel SO out-of-place with cloths right now (I didn’t realize how worn out many of my cloths are.)
- Costco, 5 minutes away is AMAZING!!!
- Raw milk straight from the farm is not so easy to find. The store-bought brands are SO expensive!
- Houses without children are plain boring and WAY too quiet, it’s nice at first but then….
- Recollecting and growing your cultures (AKA sourdough, kombucha and yogurt) is a must for gut health and mental sanity.
I’m sure there are many more things that I could add but that’s it for now. Blessings to you today!
WOW!!! You have moved back to the USA???
Yup, thank you!
Yes, what a journey! Welcome back. Will definitely be praying as well.
Thank you Rachel!
Welcome back friend. Tough at times, yes. Praying for you as you keep adjusting. Let it take its time; it doesn’t have to be right now or over night. Praying for you.