There is beauty everywhere you look. It might be hard to see at first, but it is there.
Maybe it’s a child you work with at a local school, who’s face lights up when they see you at the grocery store.
Perhaps it’s watching your baby sleep. It could be someone enjoying the baked goods you made, even though they don’t know you were the baker.
Maybe beauty looks like the tomatoes you harvested fresh off the vine. Or it might be the cup of coffee you savor each morning while you have a few quiet moments with God.
Perhaps it is an old mason jar filled with wildflowers.
If there is anything I have learned this year, it is to embrace life and find joy in the little things each day.
It is like the apostle Paul says, “I have learned the secret of being content“. If Paul stuck in Roman prison can say that, then surely I can find the simple joys in each day.
I am learning to enjoy each day as it comes and to greet the day with a simple heart of thanksgiving. Some days it comes easily, other days it doesn’t.
Laura Ingalls Wilder has always been a source of inspiration to me. The simple reminder to enjoy the little things in life and the beauty they afford is just the what I need in this season of life.
Remember that there is beauty everywhere you look.
If you have a few moments this weekend, make yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee and enjoy these posts that I have enjoyed!
Favourite Links
Homemade Bouillon Portable Soup @ Nourished Kitchen
Paleo Teriyaki Chicken (Soy Free) @ The Nourishing Gourmet
15 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Home @ Richly Rooted
10 Secrets Missionaries Keep @ Carrie Talbot Ink
Finding a Wealth of Free or Cheap Audiobooks @ Passionate Homemaking
What simple things have you been finding beauty in recently?
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