For the next few weeks there will be no posting on here on Nourishing Simplicity. I am saying goodbye to my amazing hijas and preparing for a move to the States. The blog will be taking a rest while I transition into a new life. I will be sharing some older post on the facebook page so be sure to stay connected over there. When I come back the end of June I have some very exciting things to share with you! I will leave you with a portion of a newsletter that went out to those who partnered with me in my ministry over the years.
There is a crossroad is everyone’s life. At some point or another God brings us to a place in life where he is asking us to go a new direction. This spring God has brought me to my own crossroad. He has told me that I need to leave Mexico; a place and people who I have come to love dearly. Really Mexico is more of my home than the States is.
When I first headed to Mexico at the age of 19 as a recent high school graduate in 2004 I never thought that I would still see myself here in 2014, yet here I am. It’s interesting and beautiful how God’s plans are not our own isn’t it?
Throughout my junior and senior years of high school while praying about and preparing to come to Mexico, one verse always stuck out in my mind.
Proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man plans his course but the LORD determines his steps.
Did you know that in the Old Testament the use of “LORD” shows God relationship to us as a covenant maker and keeper? How awesome is that? It is one of my favorite ways to picture God as; he is our covenant maker and keeper. He IS trustworthy, he WILL do what he says.
So here I am trusting to see what our covenant maker and keeper has planned next. I have loved my time in Mexico serving at Rancho Sordo Mudo. I have learned so much and experienced so much joy! I love the people of Mexico, the culture and more simple way of life. My girls bring me so much joy, blessing and heartache like all children do. At times I am still in awe that God allowed me, a simple young woman from the States to have part in raising almost 40 girls over the last ten years.
The Deaf and Spanish speaking people are still very close to my heart. While I maybe returning to the States for a time, my passion to minister to these groups of people has not left me. One day I hope to be ministering amongst them again whether in the States or elsewhere. The Deaf especially are a virtually unreached people group. Yes in the US, Canada and Europe there are churches and ministries but still so few know Christ. In other countries like Mexico that relationship with Christ is almost nonexistent, they are blessed if they have a sign language. Many Deaf still don’t know the sign language of their country.
What is next? For a period of time God is calling me to rest and take a step back. I will be taking a sabbatical until the first of January 2015.
sab•bat•i•cal, adj.
1. of or appropriate to the Sabbath. 2. pertaining to a sabbatical year.
3. bringing a period of rest.
4. any extended period of leave from one’s customary work, esp. for rest or study.
I will spend the first part of my time resting and reconnecting with friends, family, supporters and my church. The second half of my time will be a time of learning. I will be returning to Ensenada for two weeks to be trained as a doula and childbirth instructor at the local YWAM base. I will also be spending a few weeks in Honduras with some dear missionary friends (aka Mare Beard of Just Making Noise) helping them prepare their ministry in a new location. I also hope to attend one or two retreats.
In December I will be searching for nanny jobs with the intent to work as a full time nanny starting in January. I will continue to be prayerful about what God has next and will give you all a definite decision by the spring or summer of next year. God may call me elsewhere or he may tell me to establish a life in the States. Either way I am at peace.
So dear readers, an incredible amount of change is happening in my life. I look forward to when we meet again!
Katie Mae
God’s richest blessings on you Katie!
Praying for you as you transition!