The New Year is almost here. It’s the time of year that many of us figure out how we are going to remake ourselves for the new days ahead.
I have to be honest. I have never been one for setting New Year’s Resolutions. I scoffed a bit at those that did because, let’s be honest, most people don’t keep them, I figured why set myself up for failure? I would rather just add some things as I go.
The thing is I’m a list maker but I am also a slowly recovering procrastinator. I am slowly embracing the joys of setting goals for the new year. January really is a great time to start fresh despite the years I spent scoffing.
I’ve realized that if I set too high of goals I don’t accomplish them but if I set simple goals that are actually attainable I will be much more likely to accomplish them.
Here are 4 Simple Goals for the New Year and the Tools to Help You Out
1. Create a Morning Routine
I can not emphasize how important this is. I am a huge fan of routines. A lot of times people confuse routines and schedules. As a former dorm mom I 100% see the need for schedules at times. I lived by them, there are is a place for them but I tend to prefer routines instead when possible.
What I like about routines is that that they allow more flexibility and flow more naturally with the rhythms of life. Yoru routine can be the same on Friday morning as it is is on Sunday morning even though one day you may be at work or homeschooling the kids and the other you are relaxing a bit.
My goal is to always start my day right through spending time with God and a few simple things. Here is a glance at my morning routine.
A resource that I highly recommend in “Make Over Your Mornings” from The Money Saving Mom. The course is on sale right now for only $9, which is an awesome deal!
2. Take Baby Steps to Going Non-toxic
We are exposed to so many toxic products in our day to day lives. They are everywhere, in the shampoo we use, the candles we burn, the cream we put on our faces, and the cleaner use on the counters.
It has taken me a long time but I am happy to say that I no longer use any toxic cleaning or personal products. For most people it isn’t practical to just toss everything and start from scratch. A great way to get started is when you run out of a product to replace it with a non-toxic products whether it’s homemade or one you have purchased.
I am a huge DIYer when it comes to most beauty products and cleaners that being said making your own products isn’t for everyone. Young Living is one of the best one-stop shops I have found for replacing a large majority of the toxic products in your home.
3. Eat More Real Food
Transitioning to real food is a journey. It doesn’t happen all at once. I have yet to “arrive”. It’s a process that take time and the longer you are at it the easier it becomes. I actually contemplated my jump into real food back in 2008/2009 for about 6 months and then through myself in full force (or so I thought). It’s not exactly how I would suggest doing it but that being said it worked for me.
Your Grace Filled Journey to Real Food by my friend Diana of My Humble Kitchen is one of my favourite books I suggest to people as they transition to real food.
4. Commit to Exercising
My general choice for getting exercise is taking a walk or hike. When I go a few days without exercise I tend to feel unmotivated and sluggish. I get that it is hard to make time to exercise. Set attainable goals and have someone hold you accountable. Don’t commit to going to the gym 7 days a week if you aren’t already in the habit. Take it slowly. Commit to one or two days and take it from there.
If I just take a brisk 20-minute walk I feel better and am more motivated to accomplish the rest of my tasks for the day. Fit2B is my favourite online program. It is easy to do and very attainable.
Remember that simple, attainable goals are the best way to aim for success! If you accomplish the few you set, you can always set more later in the year.
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? What are goals you have for this next year?
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